Versions? RSpec? Rails?

On 10/17/07, Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had posted this on the regular Rails list, but upon trying this in
> script/console, it seems like the behavior only exists when running rspec.
> I'm getting some weird behavior in one of my models. I have a model
> defined something like this
> class User < ActiveRecord::Base
>   attr_accessor :password
>   validates_presence_of :password
> end
> If I validate the model without specifying a password, I get  ["can't be
> blank", "can't be blank"] for :password instead of just one "cant't be
> blank". If I comment out the validates_presence_of statement, then no
> errors. So it doesn't seem like it's being defined elsewhere(through a
> plugin or some such). Any idea what might be going on here?
> Like mentioned above, if I do this in script/console I only get "can't be
> blank" once, as expected.
> I should note that I'm not blaming rspec, moreso, where should I be
> starting to look? My spec looks like this(snipped the other passing tests):
> describe User do
>   include UserExampleHelperMethods
>   before(:each) do
>     @user =
>     @user.password = '123456'
>     @user.password_confirmation = '123456'
>   end
>   it 'should be invalid without a password when creating' do
>     @user.attributes = valid_user_attributes
>     @user.password = nil
>     @user.password_confirmation = nil
>     @user.should_not be_valid
>     @user.errors.on(:password).should == "can't be blank"
>   end
> end
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