On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 7:32 AM, Jonathan Leighton
> Hiya,
> I am trying to use the HTML Story Formatter in conjunction with
> CruiseControl.rb. I have got it outputting the stories to a file, but I
> notice there are CSS and JS files linked in the head, which don't appear
> to be anywhere in the rspec repository. Are these files available and if
> so where?

They're in the story_server directory. We haven't automated this yet,
so what I do is just copy them to a logical place and set up a rake
task to put the stories in the same place. On Rails projects, I've
gotten into the habit of putting them in
public/doc/[javascripts|stylesheets] (or similar) and then use this
rake task.

namespace :stories do

  desc "Run all the stories (HTML)"
  task :html do
    sh "ruby stories/all.rb -fh:public/doc/index.html"


Now the customers can see the story output at /docs. Of course, so can
anybody else, so that might come down before releasing or move to a
controller that can manage who gets to see it. But this should give
you an idea.

Also note that the javascript is 1/2 baked at this point and includes
an "add step" (non) feature (which you'll see in the browser) that
doesn't really do anything.

Maybe it's time to get rid of that for now and standardize on where
this stuff goes :)


> Cheers,
> Jon
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