Stephen Eley wrote:
2009/3/19 Rick DeNatale <>:
Even 'should be' is a bit grating.  I'm tempted to write a pair of matchers
like be_truthy and be_falsy, but I was wondering what other RSpec users have
to say.

should be || should_not be: that is the expectation:
Whether 'tis nobler in the parser to interpret
The outputs and side effects of outrageous duck typing,
Or to inherit against a sea of matchers
And by declaration extend them?  To fail: to raise;
No more; and by a raise to say we throw
The exception and the thousand natural returns
The code is heir to, 'tis a specification
Devoutly to be wished.  To fail: to raise;
To raise, perchance to rescue: ay, there's the rub,
For in that state of exception what tests may fail
When we have injected in this matcher code
Must give us pause: there's the RSpec
That makes calamity of such long backtraces;
For who would bear the Flogs and Heckles,
The oppressor's Reek, the proud man's Cucumber,
The pangs of despised Rcov, the spec_server's Drb,
The insolence of Autotest and the spurns
That patient merit of the occasional Rakes,
When he himself might his validation make
With a bare assertion?  .....

(...And so forth.  All of which is to say, before my Muse molested me,
that I rather _like_ the sparse "should be" and "should_not be" specs.
 Simple is good, and there's a poetry about them.  Keep 'em!)

That is just great. You have quite the talent. On another mailing list we were talking about the standard story templates and it was suggested that we write the stories in prose to make them more interesting to read. Alistair Cockburn came up with this funny little limerick after reading Liz Keogh's post about CAPTCHA[1]:

A spunky young buyer named Spry
  Went online to buy something fly
     But he found that a bot
     Had taken his spot
  Now he'll fill out a captcha and not cry



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