> I'd like to do this:
>   Feature: user signup
>   Before:
>     Given I have a cleaned up database
>   Scenario Outline: Sign Up
>     Given I am on the signup page
>     When I sign up using <userid>
>     Then I should see <message>
>    Examples:
>     |userid     |message           |
>     |userX      |successful signup |
>     |userX      |duplicate userid  |

Feature: user signup

  Scenario: succesful signup
    When I sign up using Kero
    Then I should see welcome Kero

  Scenario: failed signup of existing user
    Given there is a user Kero
    When I sign up using Kero
    Then I should see trying to impersonate someone else

NB: yes, clean the database before every scenario


How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
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