On Jun 29, 12:14 pm, David Chelimsky <dchelim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 29, 2010, at 2:50 AM, Timo Rößner wrote:
> > On Jun 28, 5:35 pm, David Chelimsky <dchelim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> On Jun 28, 2010, at 10:30 AM, Timo Rößner wrote:
> >>> On Jun 28, 5:03 pm, David Chelimsky <dchelim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> On Jun 28, 2010, at 10:00 AM, Timo Rößner wrote:
> >>>>> Hey guys,
> >>>>> I let the code speak for itself:
> >>>>> Below are my currently failing specs, please don't pay too much
> >>>>> attention to the specs themselves, I just want to give you a "real
> >>>>> life example" of what's happening - the only interesting thing about
> >>>>> the specs is that there is a call to Factory(:challenge) in each of
> >>>>> them and a before-each-call putting out what's currently in the
> >>>>> database:
> >>>>>  describe 'featuring' do
> >>>>>    before(:each) do
> >>>>>      puts "Before Each:"
> >>>>>      puts "Featured Challenges size: #{Challenge.featured.size}"
> >>>>>      puts "Challenges count: #{Challenge.count}"
> >>>>>    end
> >>>>>    it 'should tell if a challenge is featured' do
> >>>>>      challenge = Factory(:challenge, :feature_position => 1)
> >>>>>      challenge.should be_featured
> >>>>>    end
> >>>>>    it 'should tell if a challenge is not featured' do
> >>>>>      challenge = Factory(:challenge, :feature_position => 0)
> >>>>>      challenge.should_not be_featured
> >>>>>    end
> >>>>>    it 'should feature a challenge' do
> >>>>>      challenge = Factory(:challenge)
> >>>>>      challenge.feature!
> >>>>>      Challenge.featured.should == [challenge]
> >>>>>    end
> >>>>>    it 'should unfeature a challenge' do
> >>>>>      challenge = Factory(:challenge, :feature_position => 1)
> >>>>>      challenge.unfeature!
> >>>>>      Challenge.featured.should be_empty
> >>>>>    end
> >>>>>  end
> >>>>> Now to the interesting part:
> >>>>> A spec run using rails 2.3.5 and rspec 1:
> >>>>> bundle exec spec spec/models/challenge_spec.rb
> >>>>> Before Each:
> >>>>> Featured Challenges size: 0
> >>>>> Challenges count: 0
> >>>>> .Before Each:
> >>>>> Featured Challenges size: 0
> >>>>> Challenges count: 0
> >>>>> .Before Each:
> >>>>> Featured Challenges size: 0
> >>>>> Challenges count: 0
> >>>>> .Before Each:
> >>>>> Featured Challenges size: 0
> >>>>> Challenges count: 0
> >>>>> ..............................
> >>>>> -> Looks good.
> >>>>> Here's the exact same spec run with rspec-2.0.0.beta.13 and
> >>>>> rails-3.0.0.beta4:
> >>>>> Before Each:
> >>>>> Featured Challenges size: 0
> >>>>> Challenges count: 0
> >>>>> Before Each:
> >>>>> Featured Challenges size: 1
> >>>>> Challenges count: 1
> >>>>> .Before Each:
> >>>>> Featured Challenges size: 1
> >>>>> Challenges count: 2
> >>>>> Before Each:
> >>>>> Featured Challenges size: 2
> >>>>> Challenges count: 3
> >>>>> So apparently the latest rspec doesn't clean up after examples at all?
> >>>>> Is this a bug or a feature?
> >>>> Bug, but please check if it's still true of beta.14.1.
> >>> Hey David,
> >>> I just tried it out using the latest rspec and rspec-rails:
> >>> Gemfile:
> >>>  gem 'rspec', '2.0.0.beta.14'
> >>>  gem 'rspec-rails', '2.0.0.beta.14.1
> >>> $ bundle show rspec
> >>> ~/.bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/rspec-2.0.0.beta.14
> >>> $bundle show rspec-rails
> >>> ~/.bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/rspec-rails-2.0.0.beta.14.1
> >>> Unfortunately, the bug still exists when using this configuration:
> >>> Before Each:
> >>> Featured Challenges size: 0
> >>> Challenges count: 0
> >>> .Before Each:
> >>> Featured Challenges size: 1
> >>> Challenges count: 1
> >>> .Before Each:
> >>> Featured Challenges size: 1
> >>> Challenges count: 2
> >>> FBefore Each:
> >>> Featured Challenges size: 2
> >>> Challenges count: 3
> >> What's in your Gemfile and spec/spec_helper.rb?
> >> ps - please post in-line or at the bottom so we can follow the thread.
> > Hi David,
> > ->http://gist.github.com/456941
> I forked and made a couple of changes:http://gist.github.com/457034
> * Added :development to the group declaration on line 31
> * Changed rspec-rails to beta.14.2
> * Removed the rspec declaration (it's a dependency of rspec-rails, so 
> unnecessary)
> * Changed what is now line 44 to what gets generated now
> Not sure if this will fix anything, but let's see.
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@Wincent alright, thanks.


I changed my Gemfile and my spec_helper as you suggested (right now
they are exactly the same as in your gist) and ran "bundle install".

Unfortunately this setup seems to cause another problem:

( $ )  bundle exec spec spec/models/challenge_spec.rb
shared_helpers.rb:153:in `bin_path': can't find executable spec
from ~/.bundle/ruby/1.8/bin/spec:19

( $ )  bundle show rspec
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