I've started a chart of differences between RSpec 1 and 2 here:

I'll gladly post any new discoveries anyone want to contribute.

On Dec 4 2010, 3:22 pm, Jim Morris <wolfma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to upgrade a Rails 2.2.2app to Rails3, its  a pain ;)
> Part of this is I need to upgrade all my Specs to RSpec2, as this info
> does not seem to be in any one place, here is a summary of what I
> needed to do...
> * needed to rename all my views from .haml to .html.haml,
> (or .html.erb) although
>   Rails3 seemed ok with the old naming RSpec2 view specs failed to
> find the templates with the old name.
> * rewrite all my view specs...
>   - change `...@controller.template.` to `view.`
>   -  change `have_tag` to `have_selector` and change the parameters
>      - place holders not supported, need to use #{}
>      - add :content => for any text in second parameter
>   - change `assign[:blah]= :blod` to `assign(:blag, :blod)`
>   - change the describe ... do to have the path to the view rather
> than text description
>   - change the render '/show' to just render or render :file => 'full
> template spec'
>   - change have_text to matches(/../)
>   - change response.should to rendered.shoul
> * modify the controller specs
>   - controller_name is no longer supported, so need to nest all my
>     describes under a top level describe that has the controller
> name.
>      describe 'UsersController' do
>      or use subject {SomeController.new}  (not tested yet)
>    - when using post/delete/put :something, :id => 1 passing in an
> integer id used to work, now it needs to
>      be a string (probably a rails3 thing)
>      delete :destroy, :id => "1"
> * helper specs only needed minor changes
>   - change have_tag to have_selector
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