On Oct 21, 2011, at 11:05 AM, Andrew Premdas wrote:

> On 21 October 2011 10:26, Matt Wynne <m...@mattwynne.net> wrote:
>> On 18 Oct 2011, at 15:02, Jens-Christian Fischer wrote:
>>> Hi there
>>> I have a weird situation. I have inherited a project in Rails 1.2.3
>>> that has been upgraded to Rails 2.3.14 (and is running). I have
>>> installed Cucumber and Rspec to start to write features/tests for the
>>> new code that needs to be written. In my Gemfile, these Gems are
>>> loaded:
>>> group :test do
>>>  gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 1.3.4', :require => 'spec/rails'
>>>  gem 'rspec', '~> 1.3.2', :require => 'spec'
>>>  gem "capybara", "0.3.9"
>>>  gem "cucumber", "0.9.4"
>>>  gem "cucumber-rails", "0.3.2"
>>>  gem 'database_cleaner'
>>> end
>>> When I run the specs (bundle exec spec spec), I get error messages
>>> because the plugins of the application aren't loaded.
>>> Indeed, if I bundle the gems in "group :test, :development do ", then
>>> script/server and script/console fail to start as well because the
>>> plugins aren't loaded.
>>> Anyone seen this problem or can give me a hint of why the plugins
>>> suddenly aren't loaded (and where I should poke to find the cause)?
>>> thanks
>>> Jens-Christian
>> My guess is that, because this is an older Rails app, it doesn't use Bundler 
>> as you'd expect. In a Rails 3 app, your config/application.rb will have 
>> something like this near the top:
>>    Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) if defined?(Bundler)
>> That's the magic that tells Bundler to require all the plugins for the test 
>> environment when you run the tests. You'll need to stick something like that 
>> into your Rails 1 app.
>> One other problem you'll probably hit: Capybara won't work with Rails apps 
>> that old, so you'll need to use Webrat for integration testing instead.
> The op said the app had been upgraded to 2.3.14 which supports
> capybara (has rack). The Rails 2.3.12 that (for my sins) I'm currently
> working on has some code near the bottom of config/boot.rb to load
> bundler.
> class Rails::Boot
>  def run
>    load_initializer
>    Rails::Initializer.class_eval do
>      def load_gems
>        @bundler_loaded ||= begin
>          result = Bundler.require :default
>          Bundler.require(Rails.env) unless Rails.env.test?
>          result
>        end
>      end
>    end
>    Rails::Initializer.run(:set_load_path)
>  end
> end

If Bundler is the issue, you have to have followed these instructions(probably 
where the snippet above came from) to get things set up with Rails 2.3 



> All best
> Andrew
>> cheers,
>> Matt
>> --
>> Freelance programmer & coach
>> Author, http://pragprog.com/book/hwcuc/the-cucumber-book (with Aslak 
>> Hellesøy)
>> Founder, http://relishapp.com
>> +44(0)7974430184 | http://twitter.com/mattwynne
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> ------------------------
> Andrew Premdas
> blog.andrew.premdas.org
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