Hello all

Help please. I am new to rsync.

I would like to automatically synchronize two directory trees. Say I
have two machines that I use regularly. One is at the office and one is
at home. (I would like to avoid having anything like an NFS mount.) If I
am at the office and I work on a document, then I would like to see
those changes reflected in the copy at home by the time I get to open it
there. Likewise, if I am at home and I have worked on a document
overnight, I would like to see those changes in the document on my
office machine by the time I open it there next morning.

I have tried something like this.

rsync -avuzb --rsh=/usr/local/bin/ssh --exclude ´*~´
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/rob/toppage .
rsync -Cavuzb --rsh=/usr/local/bin/ssh .
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/rob/toppage

All it seems to do is copy all the files across and then back again. I
would imagine the answer is simple, but I can't figure it out.

On another matter, how do I get ssh to log in automatically without
prompting for a password.

Many thanks


Dr. Robin M. Braun
Group Head, Telecommunications Engineering
University of Technology, Sydney

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