What we do in the GNOME project is to find volunteers to run triage
and catalog the bugs.  If you have a "bugmaster" position who could
coordinate something like this.  

Typically, if you have a bug system it's a good way to get more
contributers who want to start off small by fixing some of the smaller
bugs.  So you could say that having such a beast might increase the 
number of contributors (if thats desirable)

That way large bugs could be handled by the core group and the smaller
bugs could be done smaller trusted group.  


On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 03:08:12PM -0600, Dave Dykstra wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 04:42:35PM -0800, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> > Have you considered using bugzilla for reporting bugs?  Just curious.
> > I was looking on the rsync website and didn't see much in bug 
> > reporting.
> There used to be another bug reporting system but it was being ignored
> so Martin turned it off.  I think it would be a good idea to have a bug
> tracking system, but then somebody would need to respond to everything.
> I think Martin preferred that questions get sent to the mailing list
> where there are more people who might respond and not just the maintainer.
> Perhaps a compromise like on the openssh mailing list would be in order,
> where every update to bugzilla gets sent to the main developers' mailing
> list.  Perhaps it would also make sense to have a separate developer and
> user mailing list.
> - Dave
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