first of all excuse my bad english...
you didn't let me answer you ...
Well, i've been just working with rsync also, and want to use
the --files-from option and write the same command.
And my question is: wouldn't it be the "correct" behavior to
provide just one file with the --files-from without writting a
source dir?
I mean, the content of the files-from file shows the sources which
i want to rsync so, why do i have to provide anything else?
It was just my point..
Thanks, and again excuse my english...

Dimond, Carol wrote:

Hi - Nevermind - I got this to work...  still need the source dir - thanks

    -----Original Message-----
    *From:* Dimond, Carol
    *Sent:* Thursday, June 30, 2005 12:07 AM
    *Subject:* Rsync question

    Hi there - various web pages indicated that the emails on the To
    lines could be used for general questions
    so what the heck ... I'm having a problem getting a specific rsync
    option to work..
I am trying to copy a list of files via rsync - the man pages
    indicate the --files-from option should work
    but I cant seem to get this to work
the syntax I'm using is rsync -vpgut --stats --bwlimit=50000 --no-relative
    --files-from=/tmp/DBA_TST.RSYNC_LST  /work/dba_arch/DBA_TST/
but I get an error that I cant seem to intrepet - nor find ANY
    examples of a proper files-from syntax
/ctltest02:/tmp> rsync -vpgut --stats --bwlimit=50000 --no-relative --files-from=/tmp/DBA_TST.RSYNC_LST /work/dba_arch/DBA_TST/
    rsync  version 2.6.2  protocol version 28
    Copyright (C) 1996-2004 by Andrew Tridgell and others
    /Please see the rsync(1) and rsyncd.conf(5) man pages for full
    See //http://rsync.samba.org/// for updates, bug reports, and answers
    rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at options.c(730)
// Thanks in advance

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