I was just thinking about the possibility of a flag that
provide rsync with a method that doesn't require a
source dir in the line command.
I mean, a method where the user just has to write a
file which contents all directorys that wants to rsync
(directorys without the same root), something like:

#cat files2rsync


rsync -a --files-from=/home/user/files2rsync /backup_dir

I know i can do something like
rsync -a --files-from=/home/user/files2rsync / /backup_dir

and modify the content of files2rsync, but i think it will be
a good simplification and quite more "natural" to use..
anyway.. was just thinking loud

pd: again excuse my english..

Paul Slootman wrote:

Read the manpage, the --files-from section, in particular this:

   The file names that are read from the FILE are all relative to
   the source dir -- any leading slashes are removed and no ".."
   references are allowed to go higher than the source  dir.

If you don't supply a source dir, to what directory should the file
names be relative to?

Paul Slootman

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