On 12/20/06, Ilya Vishnyakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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- -------- Original Message  --------
Subject: Re:Rsync errors
From: Matt McCutchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ilushkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: rsync@lists.samba.org
Date: Sunday, December 17, 2006 12:22:07 PM
> On 12/16/06, ilushkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Unfortunately, I'm not such an advance Unix user to [strace
>> rsync]. So far I figured that strace is not familar to Freebsd,
>> that I'm using. I really appritiate your help. This bug really
>> took most of my time at work. I wish that thing were not that
>> complicated. Sometimes I wish that I had some gui Microsoft like
>> product to play with. Well, guess God wants me to learn things
>> the hard way :)
>> Back to the thread, I noticed that rsync gives me such errors
>> when it meets a directory with the huge amount of files.
>> Sometimes over 6000. I tried to play around with one of those
>> directories by removing the unneeded files, and rsync did the job
>> without any complains. But I still have lots of directories to
>> sychronize and there is no way I can reduce that amount of files.
>> I've heard that rsync can have trouble with the similar issue.
>> Can this be related to my problem?
> If you're not willing to trace the system calls of rsync, there is
> nothing more I can do to investigate the problem.  I do not know of
> a connection between directories containing lots of files and write
>  errors.
> Matt
truss rsync -atlrpogHvv [EMAIL PROTECTED]::public
- --password-file=/root/rsync_pass /home/public

lstat("Company/General/2006 OLD
ARRIVALS/ARRV112106.xls",0x7fffffffc620) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
lstat("Company/General/2006 OLD
ARRIVALS/ARRV112206.xls",0x7fffffffc620) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
lstat("Company/General/2006 OLD
ARRIVALS/ARRV112706.xls",0x7fffffffc620) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
lstat("Company/General/2006 OLD
ARRIVALS/ARRV112806.xls",0x7fffffffc620) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
lstat("Company/General/2006 OLD
ARRIVALS/ARRV112906.xls",0x7fffffffc620) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
select(5,{4},{3},0x0,{60 0})             = 1 (0x1)
write(3,0xc20000,4092)                   ERR#1 'Operation not permitted'
rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4092 bytes [generator]:
Operation not permitted (1)write(2,0x7fffffffa4f0,93)      = 93 (0x5d)

So the write fails on descriptor 3, which I think is the socket to the
daemon.  I Googled "FreeBSD write EPERM" and turned up the following
FreeBSD bug, which you might be seeing:


I don't have anything more to suggest.  The FreeBSD people might be
able to help you on one of their mailing lists:


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