On 5/2/07, Charles Marcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm very interested in learning the status of the --ignorecase patch
> being included in the main tree... is there a reason it still isn't in
> there?
> For anyone who is forced to dealing with backing up windows boxes, this
> is a big problem, and I can't believe that it isn't affecting a lot of
> people...
> Or maybe there is a simple workaround?
> I'm trying to backup files from a windows/ntfs filesystem to a linux
> filesystem, and running into a problem where the users rename files, and
> sometimes change the case (sometimes in the name, sometimes in the
> extension), causing the file to get backed up multiple times.
> Or - maybe - is there a way to ignore the filenames altogether? :)
> Lastly, can anyone help me with patching the version of rsync that comes
> in cwrsync (the windows version)?

Rather than waiting for the ignore case patch to be added to the
standard rsync, I suggest you get your own copy of rsync with that
patch in one of these two ways:

1. Set up a full Cygwin installation ( http://www.cygwin.com/ ), get
the rsync source code (
http://rsync.samba.org/ftp/rsync/rsync-2.6.9.tar.gz ), patch it with
ignore-case.diff, and compile and install rsync.

2. Ask on the cwRsync web site (
) for help building a patched cwRsync.

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