Hello guys!

I'm doing a middle scale backup job using ccollect [0], which uses
rsyn,  with about 50 servers, each about 1-10 GiB changes per day and have
some problems, that servers do not finish their backup completly:

[host1.backup] Read from remote host host1.backup: Connection reset by peer
[host1.backup] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (41306592 bytes received 
so far) [receiver]
[host1.backup] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at 
io.c(458) [receiver=2.6.9]
[host1.backup] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (21302116 bytes received 
so far) [generator]
[host1.backup] rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(458) 
[host1.backup] 2007-11-19-06:59:24: Finished backup (rsync return code: 255).

How can I debug best why the remote server, still running, seems to close the



[0]:  http://unix.schottelius.org/ccollect/

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