> On Wed, 2009-11-25 at 12:09 +0000, Mark Young wrote:
> > I believe the rdiff man page is still not correct, even with your
> > submitted changes. It states "In every case where a filename must be
> > specified, - may be used instead to mean either standard input or
> > standard output as appropriate.".
> > 
> > I've not found that to be the case. For instance:
> > 
> > works:
> > $ rdiff signature r96.exe r96.sig
> > 
> > fails:
> > $ cat r96.exe | rdiff signature - r96.sig
> > rdiff: unknown option: -
> > Try `rdiff --help' for more information.
> The next sentence of the man page says, "Be aware that if you do this,
> you’ll need to terminate your options with -- or rdiff will think you
> are passing it an empty option."  I'll agree that's a really dumb
> option-parsing behavior, but it is properly documented.  You can enter
> an upstream bug to have it changed if you like.
Hi Matt,
I'm sure you are right, but there are still older versions of the man page that 
don't show it. I'm not sure which is the most up to date:
This has your text: http://www.digipedia.pl/man/doc/view/rdiff.1.htmlThis one 
doesn't: http://linux.die.net/man/1/rdiff
The man page in the latest rdiff from cygwin, v0.9.7-2, doesn't have it.
Where is the homepage for rdiff?
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