Hei hei,

Am 15.09.2011 20:45, schrieb Brian K. White:
> I am subscribed to rsync@lists.samba.org and I don't see any samba
> messages. I get messages that sometimes say they come from
> "samba-b...@samba.org" but they are always only rsync messages. If you
> go to the linked bugzilla, the Product: field is rsync not samba, and of
> course the content of the message is plainly about rsync.

You're right, these are all rsync bugs.

> What's the problem? Are you looking for more of an "rsync-users" list
> without being interested in bugs or new features in rsync? I don't think
> that exists because certainly bugs get reported and discussed on
> rs...@samba.org as well. They are a usage issue like any other, and
> require knowing about as a user even if only to avoid them or
> work-around them and know which versions have them and don't have them.

However this list is the only developer/user mailing list in the free
software world I'm aware of where each filed bug creates a mail to the
list. In other projects you have seperate lists for bugs, maybe with a
follow up to the developer list, but not mixed like here.


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