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I think the email list is fine the way it is now.  Many of the bugs
reported aren't actually bugs but questions or misunderstandings of how
rsync is supposed to work.  In many cases the only difference between a
bug report and an email list question is the method of replying.  If you
reply to a bug report via the email list it does not go back into the
bug ticket :(

If you don't want to deal with or hear about the bugs they would be
trivial to filter out.  Something like Subject: [Bug.*].

Also, if you prefer a users helping users format then
irc://irc.freenode.net/#rsync is a better place to go.  It generally has
more traffic and faster answers.

On 09/15/11 16:39, Alexander Dahl wrote:
> Hei hei,
> Am 15.09.2011 20:45, schrieb Brian K. White:
>> I am subscribed to rsync@lists.samba.org and I don't see any samba
>> messages. I get messages that sometimes say they come from
>> "samba-b...@samba.org" but they are always only rsync messages. If you
>> go to the linked bugzilla, the Product: field is rsync not samba, and of
>> course the content of the message is plainly about rsync.
> You're right, these are all rsync bugs.
>> What's the problem? Are you looking for more of an "rsync-users" list
>> without being interested in bugs or new features in rsync? I don't think
>> that exists because certainly bugs get reported and discussed on
>> rs...@samba.org as well. They are a usage issue like any other, and
>> require knowing about as a user even if only to avoid them or
>> work-around them and know which versions have them and don't have them.
> However this list is the only developer/user mailing list in the free
> software world I'm aware of where each filed bug creates a mail to the
> list. In other projects you have seperate lists for bugs, maybe with a
> follow up to the developer list, but not mixed like here.
> Greets
> Alex

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        Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
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        Web page:                       http://www.sanitarium.net/
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Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list.
To unsubscribe or change options: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/rsync
Before posting, read: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

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