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I don't speak for anyone else but I would be opposed to this.
Primarily because there isn't an alternate syntax that performs the
exact same function /path/* doesn't work as expected if using --delete
(and for good reason).

On 01/07/12 21:40, John J Foerch wrote:
> Hello,
> This is a feature request for a command-line option to disable
> special interpretation of trailing slashes on source directories.
> I have been using rsync for a couple of years now (what an awesome
> program!) and the meaning of the trailing slash on a source is
> always the one aspect of its syntax that slows me down and makes me
> check and re-check the manual to ensure that I have remembered its
> behavior correctly.  The likelihood of making a mistake with a
> trailing slash is compounded by the fact that shell completion
> (e.g. in bash) puts it there by default, and it was this very
> behavior that caused me to be a little too carefree last week and
> mess up a large backup.  While the trailing slash is a powerful
> and useful feature, it also strikes me as risky to have so much
> power built into a single character of syntax, especially a
> character which usually has no special meaning in other programs.
> Others I have chatted with on this topic shared the same view.  My
> feature request then, is for a command line switch to disable the
> special interpretation of the trailing slash on sources.  A short
> option would be preferred.  My reasoning is that it is easier to
> remember to always use a particular option, except in situations
> requiring more nuance, than it is to remember the special rule and
> to always check the syntax of the sources.
> Thank you for your time.

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        Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
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