On Tue 13 Aug 2013, Matthias Schniedermeyer wrote:
> > 
> > > Hardlinking a file doesn't change it's owner/group/permission 
> > > (All Hardlinks have the same user/group/permissions).
> > 
> > I never said that.
> You implied that by your assertion that you suddenly can read a file 
> after hardlinking it.


I implied that if you have the permissions to make the hardlink,
then you also have the permissions to chmod the file.
It seems you don't want to understand what _I_ am saying.

> > I said that if a hardlink can be made (and I meant on a modern linux
> > kernel, with default settings) then the user already has permissions to
> > do anything with the file. I forgot already about the old semantics :)
> Did you read what i just wrote?


> You can't do anything more to the file than before you hardlinked it. 

Did you read what i just wrote?

Try it on a 3.6 linux kernel.

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