Kevin Korb ( wrote on 13 February 2014 21:47:
 >modules are defined in an rsyncd.conf file.  That file needs to be in
 >the home dir of the user.

You mean the config file must be called "rsyncd.conf" instead of "module"?
That'd be easy to solve but unfortunately it didn't work. I changed
the name, put the following in it

    path = /path/to/home/transfer

and I still get the same "did not see server greeting" error.

 >On 02/13/2014 08:38 PM, Carlos Carvalho wrote:
 >> I'm trying to transfer something to another machine launching a 
 >> once-only "daemon" through ssh with this command:
 >> rsync -avv -e "ssh -l user" ./orig/ machine::module/
 >> where "module" is the name of a file in the home dir of user with
 >> the following:
 >> path = /path/to/home/transfer
 >> The ssh connection works without passphrase. This is the error:
 >> opening connection using: ssh -l user machine rsync --server
 >> --daemon .  (8 args) rsync: did not see server greeting rsync
 >> error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at
 >> main.c(1635) [sender=3.1.1pre1]
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