Kevin Korb ( wrote on 17 February 2014 21:13:
 >OK, I just did a quickie test.  When I 'ssh user@host rsync --daemon
 >- --server .' an I don't have an rsyncd.conf file in my home dir I get
 >no output like you do (an error message here would be nice).  If I do
 >have a proper rsyncd.conf file I get rsyncd's server banner.

I get nothing. However, changing machines I do get the

@RSYNCD: 31.0

banner... So it seems there's a problem between these machines.

I switched to a few other pairs of machines running without root and
everything works, after I change the default to not use chroot.

Maybe there's some problem with running as root. Anyway running as
a normal user is enough for me now, so I won't investigate further.

Thanks for paying attention.
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