>with rsync hanging - after breakout on /home for writing I then get:
>"Read-only file system"

if your filesystem switches to read-only, you have a serious problem
with your system/storage, not with rsync.

rsync (or the workload) is simply triggering the problem.


Am 10.09.20 um 07:30 schrieb Philip Rhoades via rsync:

When I did:

  rsync -av /home/ /mntb5/  # about 4TB

I got errors like:

  'rsync [sender] expand file_list pointer array to xxx bytes, "did

with rsync hanging - after breakout on /home for writing I then get:

  "Read-only file system"

So after unmounting and remounting /home I did:

  cd /home
  find /home/ -type d | sort > ./home_dirs_sorted.txt

delete first line "/home/" of ./home_dirs_sorted.txt then:

  while read dir ; do echo $dir ; rsync -lptgod "$dir" /mntb5/"$dir" ;
done < ./home_dirs_sorted.txt


  while read dir ; do echo $dir ; rsync -lptgoD "$dir"/\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*
/mntb5/"$dir"/ ; done < ./home_dirs_sorted.txt

and finally with no problems:

  rsync -av --exclude-from=/usr/local/bin/nfb_caches.txt /home/ /mntb5/

If there was a more sensible / efficient way of getting this done I
would like to know about it!



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