Hello Alan,

Well for the story here, I switched from SAN to hardware RAID 5 in the server 
itself because I've much better performances... This is due the fact our SAN is 
satured :-X. The IOWait on our SAN was 20 to 70%. Now, the IOWait is between 0 
to 2%...

Writing text files on the receiver has always been fine.

United Nations International Computing Center

Alan Edmonds <alan.edmo...@telekom.com> a écrit :

> I am using a similar setup (HP proliant, RELP, Centos 5.9 X86_64) for
> the central syslog receiver.  I'm still in the testing phase.  I haven't
> been happy with the client side of things but that is a different story.
> I have not had problems with the RELP receiver side of things.
> Two things to check.
> 1) I (and others) have seen poor RAID5 performance with the HP 4xx
> controllers.  Do some IO benchmarks if you can reconfigure as a RAID
> 0+1.  search for "hp raid5 performance".
> 2) It could be the postgres backend.  Can you try writing text files on
> the receiver (instead of to the DB)?  That may tell you something.
> Alan Edmonds
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rsyslog-boun...@lists.adiscon.com
> [mailto:rsyslog-boun...@lists.adiscon.com] On Behalf Of David Lang
> Sent: 11 March 2013 21:36
> To: rsyslog-users
> Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Big issues with Rsyslog listening on port 514
> with IMRELP
> On Mon, 11 Mar 2013, Nicolas HAHN wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm writing for the first time to this mailing-list in the hope that
> somebody already experimented the issue I describe below.
>> At first, here is the Linux server profile on which is running
> Rsyslog, if it can have an importance:
>> - Server type: physical and dedicated (not a VM). HP Proliant
>> - OS: RHEL 6.4 (yum updated this morning)
>> - Arch: x86_64
>> - Nb CPU cores: 24
>> - RAM: 256 GB
>> - Storage: 3.6 TB with Hardware RAID-5
>> - Network: 4 nics with 2 bonding interfaces
>> - SELINUX is totally disabled
>> - There are absolutely no iptables rules defined
>> Here below are the rsyslog packages installed:
>> rsyslog-7.2.6-1.el6.x86_64
>> rsyslog-pgsql-7.2.6-1.el6.x86_64
>> rsyslog-relp-7.2.6-1.el6.x86_64
>> libestr-0.1.3-1.el6.x86_64
>> librelp-1.0.1-1.el6.x86_64
>> libee-0.4.1-1.el6.x86_64
>> Here below is the description of the issue:
>> 1) we use Rsyslog with imrelp module, on port TCP-20514
>> 2) at first, we don't send traffic on Rsyslog, we can see that the
> daemon is listening on port 20514:
>> # netstat -ann | grep 514
>> tcp        0      0     *
>> tcp        0      0 :::20514                    :::*
>> 3) as soon as syslog traffic is sent to the server, imrelp stop to
> listen. A few remote servers only were successfully bound to the server
> port, and finally rsyslog connections with the remote senders stop.
> Remains finally only one or two connected remote servers. Doing a
> netstat, the first line in copy above is not there: imrelp is not
> listening any more.
>> 4) if we do a tcpdump -nni bond0 port 20514 on the rsyslog server,
> suddenly Rsyslog daemon take 100% of one CPU core. We've seen it eating
> until 140%.
>> 5) if we do a telnet from any remote server to the rsyslog server on
> port 20514, then the connection is refused. It's not possible to connect
> on the rsyslog daemon, even locally (telnet localhost 20514).
> This makes me thing that you have SELinux or firewall rules blocking
> you.
>> We tried since 5 days, so many things:
>> 1) we tried originally to use imrelp on port 514 (instead of 20514
> now), same issues
>> 2) we tried versions 5.10.x, latest version 6, same issues
>> 3) we tried to run rsyslog in debug mode: symptoms are the same in
> debug mode.
>> it still loose its ability to LISTEN on the port, and debug mode stops
> to
>> display things on the screen. But rsyslog is still running in the
> process
>> table with its -d flag.
> when rsyslog stops, what shows up in the debug logs?
> David Lang
>> 4) we tried to configure rsyslog to use imtcp on port 514 instead of
> imrelp on
>> port 514 or whatever other port. Here, it never loose its ability to
> accept
>> connections and to listen on the network socket. In debug mode, we
> have
>> permanently things appearing on the display.
>> 5) we have other rsyslog servers based on RHEL 5.x (latest 5.10
> version,
>> including also IMRELP and PGSQL modules): they are running like a
> charm using
>> exactly the same /etc/rsyslog.conf
>> In conclusion:
>> -this issue is of course very annoying, we cannot understand what is
> happening: all other daemons correctly listen on their socket and never
> loose it (postgresql database, ssh daemon, http server, ...)
>> - we absolutely need to use our rsyslog server with RELP module, and
> this is the only one not working for now
>> - we cannot explain why rsyslog cannot keep its network socket and
> keep listening on it.
>> We would really need to know if other users experimented the same
> behavior, and if yes, if they found solutions.
>> We would really appreciate any help on that, and if the reason why
> those issues are found, an urgent fix :-)
>> If you ask us to post the rsyslog.conf file, we can do it but we'll
> have to "hide" various things ;-)
>> Thank you very much for any help
>> KR.
>> Nicolas
>> -
>> United Nations International Computing Center
>> Geneva
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