On Mon, 16 Dec 2013, Brian Knox wrote:

I believe the output module for elastic search might be a good place to start looking for anyone interested in writing an "omrest" module? If I recall correctly the elastic search output uses libcurl.

not really.

currently every om* module consists of code that is executed by a rsyslog worker thread that is passed a list of messages and acts on each message. omelasticsearch pushes messages via libcurl

for omrest you would need to change the entire paradigm of how an om* module would work.

Instead of being code invoked by a worker thread that's invoking many other om* code as well on a given message, the omrelp module would need to listen for a connection from the outside, and when it receives a request, it would need to retrieve messages from the queue, and the worker threads would need to leave the messages on the queue.

You should see by now that this is a really ugly thing to talk about implementing. It's almost a complete re-write of the rsyslog core to support this.

The other approach is to have omrelp maintain it's own queue of messages and knowledge of who should be asking for messages, timeouts for messages that aren't asked for, etc. At that point, omrelp's interface to rsyslog is straightforward, it's just the omrelp queue and interface stuff that gets really 'interesting' and people who want omrelp should work on writing some code that will perform all the relp functions that you want to support but just accepts new messages on stdin (which would let it be driven by omprog for now), and then as you get it running and find it useful the input portion could be changed to make it into a 'real' rsyslog om* module. Depending on what you do for your queue, you may be able to use a different language to handle adding things to the queue and pulling things from the queue. This would make it easy to have some rsyslog C code that adds things to the queueu.

David Lang
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