On Sat, 14 Dec 2013, RB wrote:

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 5:24 AM, Rainer Gerhards
<rgerha...@hq.adiscon.com> wrote:
well, technically it's for sure possible, it's just another of these 24h
things. Technically, it's a question of interface, and insofar of which
types of modules. Obviously, these will be slower, and how slow is another
interface/effort question.

Thinking about this, one could probably also claim the answer is "yes, you
can write OUTPUT modules in any language", it's just a doc issue. In fact,
omprog can be used as an interface here. It's actually not even a bad

Again, something learned ;)

Probably the cheapest (implementation) "binding" for rsyslog would be
a system() like call.  Execute the subprogram with /bin/sh -c and
communicate with structured messages on STDIO.

a real module binding would be far more complex. It would allow the module (in whatever language) access to the rsyslog queues and other data structures. This is possible, but not easy by any means.

One big problem is that currently rsyslog does all this work in a threaded environment. It may make sense in v9 or v10 to shift from a default shared-everything threading model to a explicit shared memory multiprocess model. At that point having one of the processes use a different language would not be that hard.

But in the current threaded model, having one thread run a different language would be very, very hard.

The other issue here is performance. Rsyslog goes to a LOT of effort to be fast. Some of the things that have made very noticable diffences in performance in rsyslog are things that seem like they should be very minor. Think about these things and then think about what would be involved to define interfaces in a multi-language safe way.

things that have resulted in noticable speedups have been:

removing gettimeofday() calls.

it used to be that rsyslog recorded when a message arrived, when it was put on the main queue, when it was moved to an action queue, when it was pulled from the action queue, and when it was delivered

now, high performance users configure rsyslog so that it only does one gettimeofday() call per hundred (ot thousand) messages that arrive and use that one time for every message

string modules

it used to be that the default template (<%pri%>%timestamp% %hostname% %syslogtag%%msg%) was interpreted by the rsyslog engine for every message that was output

now string modules written in C create these strings rather than interpreting the template. This resulted in a double-digit % performance improvement

With optimizations like these in use, changing things to allow for a module written in a different language to have access to the rsyslog internals as would be needed for a high-performance interface seems like it will probably end up hurting the rsyslog performance overall.

That being said, I am very much in favor of multi-process with explicit sharing rather than multi-threaded with implicit sharing, but getting all the interfaces correct and fast would be a VERY hard task.

David Lang
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