
I would use only one place. It doesn't matter if it is something you
provider or Github or BitBucket or.. but I prefer a single location.

+1 for GitHub: It is well known and many people contributing to Open
Source projects already have an account. So I see higher chances for new
contributing people because they don't have to register somewhere else
just to post a bug and/or a fix.

Also: I don't know how familiar you are with hosting/maintaining such
services (it isn't enough just to install Bugzilla, you have to do
maintenance, backups..). So using a service like GitHub may give you
more time for the project..

BUT.. if you don't host it yourself you should look into a way to backup
all your project data in case you have to move away from the "cloud"
solution you choose.
I know that this is possible with GitHub so I would recommend you to
create a workflow/automatic process to dump all the projects data (not
just the repository, also the issue tracker, Wiki...) on a regular base.
And you should really know that you are having a valid backup because
when trouble arise it is maybe already too late ;)

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