Aha! David - to summarize, is the problem then that:

a) the parameter did not exist previously, and
b) was only added for the new style configs?


On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 7:59 AM, David Lang <da...@lang.hm> wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, Brian Knox wrote:
>  From your diagram, it looks like you are trying to load balance RELP. As
>> far as I know, RELP does not suppot ActionTCPRebindInterval.  I believe
>> this has been discussed on the mailing list:
>> http://lists.adiscon.net/pipermail/rsyslog/2013-May/032549.html
>> Unless something has changed, you need to use the omfwd module if you want
>> to use tcp rebinding.  This isn't a bug - this is documented behavior.
>> The
>> rebind interval parameter is documented as a parameter for omfwd.  RELP
>> uses omrelp, which has no such paramater.  See:
>> http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/configuration/modules/omfwd.html and
>> http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/configuration/modules/omrelp.html
> with the new style config it does in the current git branch. It looks like
> it was added in 7.3.15
> /* tables for interfacing with the v6 config system */
> /* action (instance) parameters */
> static struct cnfparamdescr actpdescr[] = {
>         { "target", eCmdHdlrGetWord, 1 },
>         { "tls", eCmdHdlrBinary, 0 },
>         { "tls.compression", eCmdHdlrBinary, 0 },
>         { "tls.prioritystring", eCmdHdlrString, 0 },
>         { "tls.cacert", eCmdHdlrString, 0 },
>         { "tls.mycert", eCmdHdlrString, 0 },
>         { "tls.myprivkey", eCmdHdlrString, 0 },
>         { "tls.authmode", eCmdHdlrString, 0 },
>         { "tls.permittedpeer", eCmdHdlrArray, 0 },
>         { "port", eCmdHdlrGetWord, 0 },
>         { "rebindinterval", eCmdHdlrInt, 0 },
>         { "windowsize", eCmdHdlrInt, 0 },
>         { "timeout", eCmdHdlrInt, 0 },
>         { "localclientip", eCmdHdlrGetWord, 0 },
>         { "template", eCmdHdlrGetWord, 0 }
> };
>  I use ActionTCPRebindInterval with haproxy with plain TCP.  It works very
>> well.
>> Cheers,
>> Brian
>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 7:03 AM, <smain...@free.fr> wrote:
>>  With the architecture enclosed.
>>> ----- Mail original -----
>>> De: smain...@free.fr
>>> À: "rsyslog-users" <rsyslog@lists.adiscon.com>
>>> Envoyé: Jeudi 23 Juillet 2015 11:59:35
>>> Objet: [rsyslog] Load balancing issue
>>> Hello all,
>>> I'm currently trying to load balance the log traffic accross several
>>> servers.
>>> I thought my configuration with "ActionSendTCPRebindInterval" option was
>>> working properly, unfortunately my recent benchs show that the log flow
>>> is
>>> not well load balanced.
>>> Please find below a part of the architecture :
>>> My problem is located on the log aggregators : the rsyslog send its
>>> traffic to haproxy on localhost using relp protocol.
>>> I monitored the tcp sessions and i can see that haproxy doesn't change
>>> the
>>> destination servers.
>>> watch 'ss -lap -o state established \( dport = :20514 \)'
>>> Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port
>>> 1716 0 users:(("rsyslogd",8409,88))
>>> 0 1138 timer:(on,196ms,0)
>>> users:(("haproxy",3922
>>> ,2))
>>> 1760 0 users:(("rsyslogd",8409,22))
>>> 0 0 users:(("haproxy",3922,10))
>>> Please find enclosed my configuration.
>>> NB :
>>> - the source pid (rsyslog) never change as it is expected with
>>> "ActionSendTCPRebindInterval"
>>> - i mixed legacy and new syntaxe because of the following bug
>>> https://github.com/rsyslog/rsyslog/issues/96
>>> This bug is annoying and i didn't receive any update since about 4 months
>>> Could you please help me ?
>>> OS : debian7
>>> rsyslog version : 8.10
>>> Regards ,
>>> Smana
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