On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, smain...@free.fr wrote:

So to resume there's 2 remaining issues i would like to address :

* disabling octet count causes that my condition based on appname to be ignored

see my other message about fixing the format.

* i have a segfault when i enable rebindInterval

this looks like a bug that's been reported and someone has been assigned to work onit. I'd suggest watching this bug and posting if alorbach has any trouble duplicating things


In the meantime, as a poor-man's work-around, you can setup a script that does something like

while true
  killall -HUP rsyslogd
  sleep 10

this will send the HUP signal to rsyslog every 10 seconds, which will cause it to close it's outputs (the same thing the rebindinterval does every X messages)

David Lang
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