Probably, carrying multiple conversations at the same time didn't help clarifying our concerns. My fault on that. Really sorry.

We know 0% loss is "impossible", but starting from there we'll like to have the /best/ system possible.

Considering we found some issues with RELP+full queues we still have to investigate, we thought it may worth using a file as an intermediate step. Is that such a BAD idea?

> yes, but to fill the queue, you need to fill the disk.

For reliability, we are using linkedlist+filename, and also setting a maxdiskspace, so that isn't valid for us.

Rainer suggested having an eye on "ultra-reliable message delivery", and seems this conversation has raised a few times...more reasons to add "document this" to my TODO list.


PS: As already said by David, teaching is the best way to learn. I'll try to worth the effort!
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