Rainer: is liblognorm doc also at github using rst format?

On Wednesday, December 21, 2016, matthew.gaetano <matthew.gaet...@gmx.ca>

> Alright! Almost out the door for the holiday's and swore i would come back
> to
> this before I left in the event anyone stumbled across it. Note that this
> is
> intended to primary provide information on using the current iptables data
> type in version 2 of liblognorm.
> For reference tests were conducted on CentOS Linux Release 7.2.1511 with
> liblognorm5-2.0.2-1 and liblognorm5-utils-2.0.2-1 installed from the
> Addison
> repository.
> The documentation for liblognorm is significantly lacking for its current
> version and the iptables section demonstrates that severely. In version 2.x
> the data type "iptables" no longer exists, instead it has been replaced by
> its predecessor "v2-iptables". As per the documentation "v2-iptables" works
> exactly as stated:
> "Name=value pairs, separated by spaces, as in Netfilter log messages. Name
> of the selector is not used; names from the line are used instead. This
> selector always matches everything till end of the line. Cannot match zero
> characters."
> However there are some additional restrictions that are not mentioned.
> These
> can be seen when checking out the test files under
> "https://github.com/rsyslog/liblognorm/blob/master/tests"; and they are as
> follows:
> 1. Key names can only be uppercase
> 2. Key name can only contain alphabetic characters (no special characters
> or
> numbers)
> 3. All Key-value pairs must be separated by a single space
> 4. A minimum of two pairs are required; a single key-value pair will not
> work
> 5. value will contain all characters until the next space, this includes
> any
> notation like brackets that are not necessarily part of said value.
> A quick working test:
>        test.rb:
>            version=2
>            rule=:%field:v2-iptables%
>        lognormalizer:
>            echo 'KA=test1 KB="test2"' | lognormalizer -e json -r test.rb
> It appears that iptables was built for a specific use case, aka Netfilter,
> and then never adapted to be more applicable to key-value's. Other data
> types exist like "cee" and "cef" who more accurately act as expected,
> though
> when i started i simple assumed that they in themselves made use of the
> iptables data type.
> The problem now is that other formats that utilize key-value pairs cant be
> parsed, especially as most of the time they do not come in any particular
> order. One could possible use the "alternative" and "repeat" types to solve
> the problem but this A) seems incredibly inefficient and B) is limited to
> know key names. The more arbitrary the key-value output the harder it
> becomes. CEF is very good example of this, though, lucky we have a parser
> for it. The problem is when we start to look similar formats like MEF,
> or Fortinet logs.
> CEF and CEE data types are locked down to a very specfic header that can
> not
> be altered. In terms of CEF this also problematic because the RFC3164
> parser
> will often extract the "CEF:" part of the message as the syslog tag thus
> making it difficult (not impossible) to use the "CEF" data type.
> *Note: a new CEF version is expected sometime next year
> IMO it seems that the CEE and CEF specific data types shouldn't even exist,
> or if they do, then only as an abstraction; something like:
> type=@CEF:CEF:0|%vendor:chart-to:|%|%product:chart-to:|%|%
> version:chart-to:|%|%signature:chart-to:|%|%name:
> chart-to:|%|%severity:chart-to:|%|%extensions:iptables%
> It would also be advantages to assume that the key-value pair might not
> always be separated by a single space, or have values encased in standard
> brackets (ie. ", '). Having advanced options to alter those would increase
> its flexibility.
> I also do not necessarily agree with the the whole "until end of line"
> portion. I see that as something that should only ever apply when using the
> data type "rest" as it is feasible that a portion contain key-values (or
> other type) but does is proceed by something else.
> At present I do not have any examples but could probably dig up some vendor
> sources/docs that might. I have seen in the past custom client applications
> do awkward things as well as seeing key-value pair submitted encased in
> other formats; tho i cant really supply those as examples :(
> Thanks
> ~Regards
> -----
> ~Regards
> Matthew Gaetano
> --
> View this message in context: http://rsyslog-users.1305293.
> n2.nabble.com/Liblognorm-Usage-of-field-type-iptables-
> tp7591441p7592021.html
> Sent from the rsyslog-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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