El 28/12/16 a las 22:41, David Lang escribió:
On Wed, 28 Dec 2016, mostolog--- via rsyslog wrote:

While testing our current infrastructure we have suffered a /log explosion/, ie: errors when processing logs caused error logs on the machine that also caused errors when processed...and finally, disk became full and everything died.

I'm wondering if worrying about this is useful, or how could it be managed/prevented (as automatically as possible).

monitor disk space and alert if it starts filling up.
Traditionally this has been done using cron, but we just found inotify/fanotify :P

monitor logs/sec and alert if they jump much higher than normal
How could I do this using rsyslog? Is there a "counter" module?

overall, this isn't likely to happen once you get the system setup and running, so many places don't do anything special for this at all.
Our main concern is that, in the event of failure, as we are processing a lot of events it may fill disk with error messages tooo fast

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