No, it is not showing an outgoing mail there either.  I have tracked down
the issue a little further.  My apache logs showed errors with the
Date::Format module which I installed from cpan before the upgrade.  It is
required when running make testdeps.  It was looking for the Date/
in a bunch of directories and it wasn't there.  cpan had installed it in my
perl 5.8.5 directory instead of 5.8.8.  I copied it over to the other
directory but now I get this error:

[Wed Jan 31 20:32:31 2007] [error]: Scrip Prepare 3 died. - Require of
RT::Action::Autoreply failed.
"strftime" is not exported by the Date::Format module
Can't continue after import errors at /opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
line 59
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
line 59.

I am currently trying to track this down.  Any help would be appreciated.


On 1/31/07, Ruslan Zakirov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Do see an outgoing email transaction with autoreply in the history of
the ticket?

On 1/31/07, Michael Hogan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Last night I upgraded from 3.6.1 to 3.6.3.  When I send an e-mail the
> is logged ok and that all works fine.  It does not however send the
> autoreply like it used to do before the upgrade.  I have checked my mail
> logs and rt doesn't even attempt to send it to sendmail.  So I was
> if there was a known issue in which this occurs.  I couldn't find
> in the wiki or thread archives.  Thanks.
> Mike
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Best regards, Ruslan.


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