On May 11, 2007, at 9:40 AM, Stephen Turner wrote:

At Thursday 5/10/2007 03:32 PM, Tim Wilson wrote:
Hi everyone,

My organization has a need for some custom perl scripts that would create RT tickets with some custom fields populated from a web form. It seems like the RT CLI might be the way to go.

My perl skills are rudimentary at best, so I'm wondering how I could go about hiring someone else to develop the script for me. Is that kind of thing OK to post on the list? Maybe we could use [RFP] or [JOB] in the subject line to differentiate them. Do we need an RT marketplace somewhere to this purpose?

Jesse, other RT gurus, I'm open to suggestions.


Hello Tim,

Dirk Pape's ExtractCustomFieldValues contribution does exactly what you describe, without the need for any external scripts. See http:// wiki.bestpractical.com/index.cgi?Contributions under ScripActions.

And we've actually had occasion to package and extend Dirk's contribution:

http://search.cpan.org/~falcone/RT-Extension- ExtractCustomFieldValues-1.6/

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