On Jul 9, 2007, at 10:56 AM, Gary Oberbrunner wrote:

Kevin Falcone wrote:

On Jul 9, 2007, at 10:06 AM, Gary Oberbrunner wrote:

Hi folks -- is there a hook to filter or process the ticket history texts
(email bodies) when they're displayed?  We'd like to turn certain
pieces of
text (identified by regex) into html links.

You should be able to use the ModifyDisplay callback in
Tickets/Elements/ShowTransaction to do this.

Thanks, Kevin -- that looks like exactly what I need. I'll try it. Does anyone have a sample Callbacks/*/Elements/Ticket/ShowTransaction/ ModifyDisplay callback? I don't really understand the calling convention, i.e. what are the args and what I'm supposed to return. Should I write a function, or is it just bare Mason/perl code? What are %INIT% and %ARGS% (I see those in some other callbacks)? Where do I get the actual ticket text (message body)?

(I looked at the rt wiki page "CustomizingWithCallbacks" and it explains the proper file/dir to put the callback in, but doesn't say what it should look like.)

The RTFM and RTIR packages on http://download.bestpractical.com/pub/ rt/devel/ make extensive use of callbacks. I'm not sure if they use that specific callback, but
you should be able to understand the technique from them.


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