We've found a difference between 3.4.2 and 3.6.5 that seems like a bug - we have a query that returns different results.

One of our queues has a custom field called 'Alt. Email/Phone' so that alternate requestor contact info can be recorded in the ticket. Our users need to include this custom field in requestor searches that cross different queues, including queues that don't have the custom field. The WHERE clause is like this:

WHERE Requestor.EmailAddress LIKE 'sturner'
OR Requestor.Name LIKE 'sturner'
OR 'CF.{Alt. Email/Phone}' LIKE 'sturner'

This will get tickets for 'sturner' in any queue whether or not that queue has a 'Alt. Email/Phone' custom field. The last part of the clause is interpreted by RT to mean:

"OR where the 'Alt. Email/Phone' is defined for the ticket queue and the value contains 'sturner' ''

However, RT 3.6.5 will only return tickets in the queue with the custom field defined. Any tickets outside this queue with requestor = 'sturner' will not be returned.

The difference seems to be that in 3.4, there's an outer join somewhere in the custom field part of the query, and in 3.6 there is instead a simple join. The 3.6 interpretation of the query is

WHERE custom field 'Alt. Email/Phone' is defined for the queue AND
    (Requestor.EmailAddress LIKE 'sturner'
   OR Requestor.Name LIKE 'sturner'
   OR 'CF.{Alt. Email/Phone}' LIKE 'sturner')

Is this a bug? Is there a work around?


Stephen Turner
Senior Programmer/Analyst - Client Support Services
MIT Information Services and Technology (IS&T)



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