I have just installed RT 3.8.0 and RT-Authen-ExternalAuth-0.05.

*Before* I post a more detailed report, I just would like to know if this
is known to work with the new RT.

When I start apache I see this this is 'talking' initially to my OpenLDAP,
but when I try to authenticate as an OpenLDAP user I get
"your username and password is incorrect".
I see no activity at this point on my OpenLDAP.

My RT_SiteConfig.pm ldap details look OK (although I do have some questions
about some options)

I simply see in /var/log/messages: (I presume that Set($LogToSyslog , 'debug');
gives the most details)

Jul 25 10:37:06 rt RT: FAILED LOGIN for jbloggs from 149.157.xx.yy (/ opt/rt3/share/html/autohandler:265)

I see that RT-Authen-ExternalAuth is installed in:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] plugins]# pwd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] plugins]# ls

which is a different path [I think] to previous versions of RT.

Jason Doran
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

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