More details
I tried doing a configure with
./configure --with-web-user=apache --with-web-group=apache --with-modperl2 
--with-mysql --enable-graphviz --enable-gd 
added the graphviz and gd to my original line.  Once that was done it showed 
missing dependencies.  Ran fixdeps and got everything except one 
thing...Graphviz!  Now I'm really stuck.  I installed Graphviz via yum but it 
seems the the testdeps script doesn't know its there??  If I rerun the make 
install would it 'see' it then?
Sorry about the potentially elementary questions, but getting this feature to 
work is something we've been waiting for.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Helmuth Ramirez
Sent: Fri 8/15/2008 9:33 PM
To: scott smith
Cc: RT Users
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Hierarchy View in 3.8

ok, cleared cache by rm -rf /path/to/rt/var/mason_data/obj
restarted httpd (just for good measure)
logged in, still don't have the option on the Links tab.  I installed Graphviz 
via yum, not sure if that makes a difference or not.


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