On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 16:35:02 -0400, Golemon, Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Steve: how did you convert to a text box. Is it a straightforward patch?

It's a simple change to html/Search/Elements/PickBasics (we're using RT  

< <& /Elements/SelectOwner, Name => "ValueOfActor", ValueAttribute =>  
'Name' &>
> <input name="ValueOfActor" size=20 maxlength="200">

Looking at the QB screen again, I remembered another reason we made the  
change is that this criteria line can also be used to search on Creator  
and LastUpdatedBy. If the drop-down is only populated by potential ticket  
owners, then you can't search for a creator or lastupdated unless they  
happen to be in the owner list.



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