hi everyone!

i finally got RT up and running the way i want it to,
now i'm creating my queues and custom fields for each queues,
but i can't help to wonder how i'm supposed to customize the
layout of these fields when they show up on ticket creation forms
or printed tickets?

i would certainly like to be able to group certain items together;
for example, contact name, address, phone number etc.. all together,
other related info together in the same area, etc... you surely get
the idea. it appears to me like the only way to do this is to carefully
plan out exactly in which order you create the custom fields so that
they appear on the tickets in the order they were created?

this is almost impossible, there must be a more granular approach that
gives more control over this... :(

i don't want my service work order tickets to have customer name at the top,
then two unrelated fields, then customer address, then more unrelated fields,
then customer phone number... know what i mean?

i would like to be able to organize them in the same way the elements of the
drop-down select boxes can be organized by assigning them an order value.

please help!

thanks a lot ppl!

Gabriel Cadieux
Systems Engineer & IT Security Analyst
STI - Secure Technologies International, Inc.
Tel. (613) 830-3131 ext. 304
Cel. (613) 608-4635
Fax. (613) 830-5320

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