On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 15:41:22 -0400, Kenneth Crocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Dorothea,
>       That's the very reason RT came up with turning OFF the actor. I don't
> think they can have it both ways. If they are doing the transaction,
> then they already KNOW they did it and RT STILL keeps the trans in
> history. You might have to write a scrip that examines the creator and
> compares it to the AdminCC on certain transaction types and turn it off
> for that actor or role. Kind of a messy way to stop a redundant email
> when RT already offers that by turning of NotifyActor.
> Kenn

I believe the NotifyActor is to prevent people getting copies of their own  
updates, not to avoid duplicate messages.

Dorothea - I'm guessing, but you probably have scrips like this:

On Correspond Notify Requestors ...
On Correspond Notify AdminCcs ...

And when the requestor is the person adding a reply, both scrips send  
mail. You could try just having one scrip for replies, for example:

On Correspond Notify Requestors, Ccs, AdminCcs, and Other Recipients ...

You'll need to insert into the ScripActions table to make this action  
available in the web interface. You lose the ability to have different  
templates for Requestors and AdminCcs, but that might be OK for you.


> On 10/20/2008 1:40 AM, Dorothea Muecke-Herzberg wrote:
>> Hello,
>> we are running  RT 3.6.3. Our users prefer have NotifyActor set to 1.
>> But we now have the
>> problem that AdminCc receive emails twice now when a ticket is updated
>> which they
>> have created themselves. How can we prevent this from happening?
>> Many thanks in advance
>> Dorothea
Stephen Turner
Senior Programmer/Analyst - SAIS

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