I would try to write the same in the "RT_Config.pm" file, and you should
remove these lines of the "RT_SiteConfig.pm" file.


And. restart apache


Good luck!!







ParqueEmpresarial Las Mercedes, Edificio 1 
C/ Campezo, 1. 28022 Madrid
Tel : + 34 91 744 46 00
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 <http://www.altran.es> www.altran.es



size=2 width="100%" align=center> 

De: O'Leary, Paul [mailto:paul_ole...@breconridge.com] 
Enviado el: jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008 17:19
Para: Alberto Villanueva
CC: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Asunto: RE: [rt-users] RT380: Adding custom Status


I have done the same, putting the following into my RT_SiteConfig.pm file


# Add the custom status for Complete to config

Set(@ActiveStatus, qw(new assesing assessed open stalled complete));

Set(@InactiveStatus, qw(resolved rejected deleted));


Did an httpd restart which restarted apache ok. But I still cannot see the
complete status on any of the pages?


Is there anything in the RT cache that may need to be cleared out?







From: Alberto Villanueva [mailto:alberto.villanu...@altran.es] 
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 11:14 AM
To: O'Leary, Paul
Subject: RE: [rt-users] RT380: Adding custom Status


I have resolved the same problem to writing the "RT_SiteConfig.pm" file, and
restarting apache.


Set(@ActiveStatus, qw(new open stalled <your custom statuses with spaces as
the others>));

Set(@InactiveStatus, qw(resolved rejected deleted));








ParqueEmpresarial Las Mercedes, Edificio 1 
C/ Campezo, 1. 28022 Madrid
Tel : + 34 91 744 46 00
Fax: + 34 91 415 24 57

 <http://www.altran.es> www.altran.es


<hr size=2 width="100%" align=center> 

De: O'Leary, Paul [mailto:paul_ole...@breconridge.com] 
Enviado el: jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008 17:05
Para: Alberto Villanueva; rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
CC: polea...@gmail.com
Asunto: RE: [rt-users] RT380: Adding custom Status


Thanks, I had seen this before and used to initially to test my status. I am
adding a "Complete" status to my tickets in addition to resolved. It does
indeed add the status to the list of statuses in the drop down menu, but it
does not show the "Complete" link in pages that show Open, Resolve, etc. For
example the RT at a Glance Quick Search shows only New Open and Stalled, it
does not have my Complete column. Also the main ticket display page show
Open, Comment, Reply and Resolve as links at the top of the ticket. I would
like to have my Complete show there as well. I assume this is where all the
local html files come into play to override the defaults. I am looking for a
list of files I guess that need to be editing to add the functionality I
describe. Sorry if I wasn't clear on what I was looking for.


In 363, I have an RTHOME/local/html/Callbacks subdir that has a lot of stuff
in it, but that doesn't exist on 380 under RTHOME/share/html as it does in
363. There also appears to be several pages under the Elements directory
that have changed.


Is there a list that shows which files would need to be edited? Or a
procedure to follow to add this functionality?


Again, many thanks.



From: Alberto Villanueva [mailto:alberto.villanu...@altran.es] 
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:51 AM
To: O'Leary, Paul; rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Cc: polea...@gmail.com
Subject: RE: [rt-users] RT380: Adding custom Status


This will help you :-)









ParqueEmpresarial Las Mercedes, Edificio 1 
C/ Campezo, 1. 28022 Madrid
Tel : + 34 91 744 46 00
Fax: + 34 91 415 24 57

 <http://www.altran.es> www.altran.es



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