It is very bad practice to modify RT_Config rather than RT_SiteConfig 
since upgrades will overwrite RT_Config. ALL changes that are 
site-specific should go in RT_SiteConfig.

To answer the question asked, I have a script that I run whenever I make 
changes to my RT:
service httpd stop
rm -rf /usr/local/rt3/var/mason_data/*
service httpd start

Alberto Villanueva wrote:
> I would try to write the same in the “” file, and you 
> should remove these lines of the “” file.
> And… restart apache
> Good luck!!
> Regards,
> Consultor
> ____________________________________________
> *Altran*
> ParqueEmpresarial Las Mercedes, Edificio 1
> C/ Campezo, 1. 28022 Madrid
> Tel : + 34 91 744 46 00
> Fax: + 34 91 415 24 57
> <>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> size=2 width="100%" align=center>
> *De:* O'Leary, Paul []
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008 17:19
> *Para:* Alberto Villanueva
> *CC:*
> *Asunto:* RE: [rt-users] RT380: Adding custom Status
> I have done the same, putting the following into my file
> # Add the custom status for Complete to config
> Set(@ActiveStatus, qw(new assesing assessed open stalled complete));
> Set(@InactiveStatus, qw(resolved rejected deleted));
> Did an httpd restart which restarted apache ok. But I still cannot see 
> the complete status on any of the pages?
> Is there anything in the RT cache that may need to be cleared out? 
> Mason_data?
> Cheers
> Paul
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Alberto Villanueva []
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 18, 2008 11:14 AM
> *To:* O'Leary, Paul
> *Subject:* RE: [rt-users] RT380: Adding custom Status
> I have resolved the same problem to writing the “” 
> file, and restarting apache.
> Set(@ActiveStatus, qw(new open stalled <your custom statuses with 
> spaces as the others>));
> Set(@InactiveStatus, qw(resolved rejected deleted));
> Regards,
> Consultor
> ____________________________________________
> *Altran*
> ParqueEmpresarial Las Mercedes, Edificio 1
> C/ Campezo, 1. 28022 Madrid
> Tel : + 34 91 744 46 00
> Fax: + 34 91 415 24 57
> <>
> <hr size=2 width="100%" align=center>
> *De:* O'Leary, Paul []
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008 17:05
> *Para:* Alberto Villanueva;
> *CC:*
> *Asunto:* RE: [rt-users] RT380: Adding custom Status
> Thanks, I had seen this before and used to initially to test my 
> status. I am adding a “Complete” status to my tickets in addition to 
> resolved. It does indeed add the status to the list of statuses in the 
> drop down menu, but it does not show the “Complete” link in pages that 
> show Open, Resolve, etc. For example the RT at a Glance Quick Search 
> shows only New Open and Stalled, it does not have my Complete column. 
> Also the main ticket display page show Open, Comment, Reply and 
> Resolve as links at the top of the ticket. I would like to have my 
> Complete show there as well. I assume this is where all the local html 
> files come into play to override the defaults. I am looking for a list 
> of files I guess that need to be editing to add the functionality I 
> describe. Sorry if I wasn’t clear on what I was looking for.
> In 363, I have an RTHOME/local/html/Callbacks subdir that has a lot of 
> stuff in it, but that doesn’t exist on 380 under RTHOME/share/html as 
> it does in 363. There also appears to be several pages under the 
> Elements directory that have changed.
> Is there a list that shows which files would need to be edited? Or a 
> procedure to follow to add this functionality?
> Again, many thanks.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Alberto Villanueva []
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:51 AM
> *To:* O'Leary, Paul;
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* RE: [rt-users] RT380: Adding custom Status
> This will help you J
> Regards,
> Consultor
> ____________________________________________
> *Altran*
> ParqueEmpresarial Las Mercedes, Edificio 1
> C/ Campezo, 1. 28022 Madrid
> Tel : + 34 91 744 46 00
> Fax: + 34 91 415 24 57
> <>
> "This email is confidential. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is
> strictly prohibited."
> "This email is confidential. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is
> strictly prohibited."
> "This email is confidential. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is
> strictly prohibited."
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Drew Barnes
Applications Analyst
Network Resources Department
Raymond Walters College
University of Cincinnati


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