On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:10:00AM -0800, Jo Rhett wrote:
> There are some very very very long pages in the wiki.   If we do add  
> screenshots and stuff they will get even longer.   In addition, many  
> of the sections within pages would benefit from direct linking  
> elsewhere in the site.   
> http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/ManualAdministration 
>   in particular.

The ManualFoo pages were from an attempt to have a techwriter write a
proper manual a good few years back. The intent had been that it was
going to be a for-money item, but we ended up posting the content
instead of charging for it. I'd be 100% ok with splitting the pages into
logical sections, though I'd probably say that cutting to less than a
couple screens is probably too fine-grained. But that's handwavey and
I'm happy to be overruled by a volunteer who's actually doing the work.


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