I posted twice to the code.google.com site but thought this would be a better forum to see if anyone is having the same issues that I am.

Background: we have been using RT and AT for a couple of years now and the shredder for tickets and assets worked until the update to 3.8.x. I am currently at version 3.8.2. Here are my two posts to the google code site:

I am running into issues adding the asset shredder plugin when running RT 3.8.1 with AT 1.2.3. I get errors just going to the Shredder page once I add the plugin files:

Error during compilation of
/opt/rt3/share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/SelectPlugin: Can't locate object
method "Type" via package "RT::Shredder::Plugin::Assets" at
/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Shredder/Plugin.pm line 141. Stack:
[/opt/rt3/share/html/Admin/autohandler:49] [/opt/rt3/share/html/autohandler:308]

We just updated to RT 3.8.2 and tried this again. I think I now know more relevant information. We do not use the normal built in Asset types. We have modified them to be specific to our Dell computers and have actually removed the built in types. Could this be our issue? Could someone point me in the right direction to fix this? I am a sys admin and have some coding knowledge (but definitely not a perl expert).
Thanks so much for any information!


Thanks for any help or direction,


Peter Boguszewski
Library Systems Administrator
UW Madison - Library Technology Group

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