On Wednesday 25 February 2009 17:29:10 Alex Young wrote:
> You say your file is:
> /opt/rt3/local/html/Callbacks/MyCallbacks/Elements/RT__Ticket/Columnmap/
> Columnmap
> That's wrong. Columnmap should me ColumnMap in both instances.
Hi Alex,

Having fixed the beginners mistake, (whoops :-] and thanks), I still have no 
joy.  I must be doing something really daft.  Perhaps I should 
show the directory structure  I have, and why (I find) the instructions are 
confusing.  Because the instructions refer to the 'directory 
just created', I have placed the statuscolor.css file in both the web2/ and the 
main.css/ directories, both under the 
html/Callbacks/MyCallbacks tree and under the html/NoAuth tree, too (one of 
these is clearly wrong).  Please re-read the instructions to see 
how this can be misinterpreted - I've appended these below for reference.  No 
doubt I'm reading this badly, but the end result is that this 
leaves me with the following structure:

/opt/rt3/local/html # tree  Callbacks/ NoAuth/
`-- MyCallbacks
    |-- Elements
    |   `-- RT__Ticket
    |       `-- ColumnMap
    |           `-- ColumnMap
    `-- NoAuth
        `-- css
            `-- web2
                |-- main.css
                |   |-- End
                |   `-- statuscolor.css
                `-- statuscolor.css
`-- css
    `-- web2
        |-- main.css
        |   |-- End
        |   `-- statuscolor.css
        `-- statuscolor.css

Yes, I'm using the web2 theme and I've cleaned out the mason templates and 
restarted apache2, too, to no effect.

Richard Foley
Ciao - shorter than aufwiedersehen


    * Create the directory: 
    * Create the file: 

And in that file, put:

@import "statuscolor.css";

    * In the directory just created 
'<RTInstallationDir>/local/html/NoAuth/css/web2' you will need to create a new 
    * Name the file statuscolor.css and place the following content in it. 

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