To all,

        FIRST and FOREMOST!!! I am NOT a Unix guy. I know it runs on a server 
and we have a Sparc server and our DataBase is Oracle 10g and we are on 
RT 3.6.4.
        However, I have NO IDEA how directories work when it comes to how an 
install program looks for or defines where to go to find software it 
wants to install. I am the Admin guy for RT at our site and so I 
understand privileges, how to create scrips and templates, Queues, etc. 
But when it comes to INSTALLING RT or any of the available extensions, 
I'm lost, TOTALLY!
        I downloaded the CommandByMail extension from CPAN with no problem. 
However, when I try to follow the instructions, I get the following error:

Cannot find the location of that defines $RT::LocalPath in: inc 
/soft/perl-5.8.5/run/default/sparc-SunOS-5.8/lib/site_perl . 
/opt/rt3/lib /opt/lib/rt3 /opt/lib /usr/local/rt3/lib /usr/local/lib/rt3 
/usr/local/lib /home/rt3/lib /home/lib/rt3 /home/lib /usr/rt3/lib 
/usr/lib/rt3 /usr/lib /sw/rt3/lib /sw/lib/rt3 /sw/lib
Path to your

        Now, to be fair, I DO KNOW that we have /opt/rt pointing to 
/XXXX/rt/rt-3.6.4 (I have to protect our path). From there 
(/XXXX/rt/rt-3.6.4) I can find all the bin, etc, lib, local, perl, 
share, and var directories. AND in /XXXX/rtrt-3.6.4/lib I can see a RT 
directory, a file, a file, and a t directory.

        Also, I downloaded the extension software to /XXXX/rt/src. So, when I 
go to /XXXX/rt/src I can find the "un-tared" version of the 
CommandByMail directory "RT-Extension-CommandByMail-0.05".

        I'm just not sure where to go from here. Do I have the downloaded 
CommandByMail directory in the wrong place? DO I move it? Where to? 
/XXXX/rt/rt-3.6.4? DO I just run "perl Makefile.PL" with some sort of 

        I'm not an idiot, but I am VERY ignorant on this stuff. I know this is 
REALLY a pain in the rump for you more experienced people to have to 
walk an inexperienced person like me thru this, but I'm getting no help 
from my group except "put it in your directory and play with it". Well, 
asking me to play with it is like asking an infant to play with a 
rubik's cube to figure out how it works. I could spend the rest of my 
life playing with this and not get anywhere.

        So, if there is a REAL BRAVE SOUL out there, who doesn't mind taking my 
hand and walking me thru this, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help me.




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