On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 11:06, Jeff Lucas <jlu...@eagleinvsys.com> wrote:
> I am embarrassed to admit it and apologize for wasting your time... as I
> was not paying attention to detail (which can get a sysAdmin into
> trouble), I misunderstood how this callback worked.
RTFM, words to live by :-P

> I thought this callback put functionality back to the way SimpleSeach
> worked in 3.6.6.  Instead, it "add keywords any and closed to complement
> the implicit active."  "any" and "closed" must be specified in the
> search.  It works... if you use it correctly. :-)
Good to hear. There's a way to replicate 3.6 on that page (I updated things to
be clearer Tuesday), but this is better for db performance, and allows for more
precise searching.

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