Ken Crocker wrote:

Try creating a scrip that has the condition of "OnCreate", an action as "user-Defined" and put code in the prep action code area that sets the CF to the value you want (see below). Put "return 1;" in the clean-up action area. That should do it.

Prep Action code:
# set the CF Work-Completed Date

my $trans = $self->TransactionObj;
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj;
my $cf_obj = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
my $cf_name = "Work-Completed Date";
my ( undef, undef, undef, $mon, $day, $year ) = localtime( time );
my $cf_value = sprintf( '%d/%02d/%02d', $year + 1900, $mon, $day );

$RT::Logger->debug("Loaded\$cf_obj->Name = ". $cf_obj->Name() ."\n");
$ticket->AddCustomFieldValue(Field=>$cf_obj, Value=>$cf_value, RecordTransaction=>0);

return 1;

Hmmm... Thanks.  I'd pretty much already come to the conclusion a bit
of scriping (if that's the appropriate gerund) would be necessary.



Dr Matthew Seaman                     The Bunker, Ash Radar Station
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