On Thu, Oct 01, 2009 at 04:48:37PM -0400, Jason A. Smith wrote:
> I am setting up a new RT server, version 3.8.5 and tried
> RT-Extension-MergeUsers, version 0.03 available from CPAN.
> It seems to work as expected, except for one problem.  When viewing the
> target user of the merge, I see a comment like:
>  (485) merged into this user
> But under in the "Merge user" box, it doesn't display the merged
> username correctly, it just says:
> The following users have been merged into this user:
> and then the Unmerge button.
> When viewing the merged user data, I see the complementary comment:
>  Merged into smit...@bnl.gov (447)
> and in the "Merge user" box I see more complete info:
> This user has been merged with smit...@bnl.gov;
> I also tried manually running the rt-update-merged-users script, but it
> doesn't seem to fix it, and just reports:
> 447 already has 485 in the merge list

You're going to need to poke in the db, because I haven't seen this
reported before.  Also, the rt-update-merged-users script is ONLY
needed if you've upgraded from a 3.6 instance using an old MergeUsers
extension (there are now bidirectional informational messages).

You can use select id from Attributes where Name = 'MergedUsers' and
ObjectId in (447,485) and then run the
/opt/rt3/sbing/rt-attributes-viewer with the attribute id to see what
is stored there.


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