On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 03:52:38PM +0100, Howard Jones wrote:
> Hi,
> I think my final goal will be to have two states for open tickets:
> pending_tech, pending_customer or similar, and something to nag internal
> users if the ticket is waiting on them, and resolve if it's waiting on
> the customer after a couple of weeks. Has anyone else already done that?

here, we use the "stalled" status when the request is waiting for a
customer answer. (when we respond to customer to ask something, we put
the stalled status, when the customer answer, the ticket status changes
automatically to open).

so, here:
pending_tech -> Status = 'open' OR Status = 'new'
pending_customer -> Status = 'Stalled'

For your backlog, you can have a look at the LastUpdatedBy  of each
ticket and compare to your tech list of emails.


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